Welcome to the Updated Passport for Care

Welcome to the Updated Passport for Care


The Passport for Care is excited to announce that a new version of the PFC Clinician Website will soon be deployed to our users.  This change will update the look and feel of the website, add some widely requested features, and enhance our ability to respond to our users’ needs and preferences through modern, flexible architecture. To get you started, we have provided some additional information on the changes to the new site which can be found below.

Updated Design

The Passport for Care Clinician Website has a new, modern design. While the PFC Clinician Website is best used from a desktop or laptop computer, this redesign is intended to allow users to access the website effectively from any device.

Logging in for the first time

  • Existing users will be able to use their existing PFC username and password to sign in to the new version of the PFC Clinician Website. If you have forgotten your password, use the ‘Forgot Password?’ link to reset your credentials. For individuals who never had account credentials, please contact your clinic administrator for an account.

  • Once logged in, new users will be asked to accept the following agreements: disclaimer and notice of proprietary rights, user agreement, and privacy policy.

  • Users will then be provided with the opportunity to add two-factor authentication to their account to keep their account secure. Two-Factor Authentication is an extra layer of security for your Passport for Care account that will help ensure you're the only person who can access it even if someone knows your password.

    Setting up two-factor authentication will only take a few minutes. However, if you don’t want to do so now, you may skip this step continue logging into the Passport for Care using just your username and password. You may also add two-factor authentication to your account at a later date by select the "Two-Factor Authentication" item in the user menu in the upper right corner of the Passport for Care interface. If you do choose to add this feature to your account, you will be guided through the setup process.

Patient List Page

After logging in, you will see the updated patient list. There have been a number of changes on this page to facilitate your efficient and secure usage of the system. When you first reach the page, no patient information will be shown. This will help keep patient information secure when accessing the PFC in the company of a patient or visitor.

  1. You may view the full list of patients by clicking the ‘Show Records’ button.

  2. You may also find a patient record using the ‘Filters’ section on the left-hand side of the homepage screen. This tool allows you to search and sort patients using a variety of options. In addition to the basic Name and MRN search options, you may click on the ‘Show Advanced Filters’ to filter data by a number of other patient features.

  3. The ‘Columns’ section on the left-hand side of the homepage allows you to customize your view of the patient list by choosing which columns to display on this view.

  4. Clicking the ‘Recently Accessed Records’ button will display the most recent records you have accessed above the main listing for quick access. Clicking on the button again will hide this list.

  5. New patient records can be added by using either the ‘Add Patient’ button located below the list of records or at the top right of the homepage.

  6. Clinic administrators can use the ‘Patient Report’ button located on the top navigation bar. This reporting function allows your clinic to use this site as a patient database and customize the returned set of records using a number of options to filter included patients and control which data is displayed. Reports can be downloaded in Excel format. Excel downloads require a cell phone number in your user profile; a password for the downloaded data will be sent to this number by SMS text message.

Import Changes on Patient List Page

We have imported existing records into the new Passport for Care Clinician Website. By using the ‘Import Changes’ toggle button located in the ‘Columns’ section, those patient records that were affected by the import will be highlighted. We encourage you to review these Care Summaries.

By clicking on a record that had import changes, there will be a unique ‘Import Changes’ section above the ‘Care Summary’ section located on the care summary’s navigation panel. From here, you will see a list of all changes to the patient’s record when imported to the new Passport For Care Clinician Website. If you deem that the changes are not accurate, you may make changes manually by editing the record at any time.

Until these changes are reviewed, users should not click on ‘Acknowledge’ while on the ‘Import Changes’ since this will remove the section and access to the list of changes.

Patient Care Summary

The Care Summary page has been updated to improve ease of use.


  1. Each section of the patient’s care summary may be edited using the controls at the right side of the section.

  2. A Cumulative Summary and Abbreviated Summary can be accessed via the care summary’s navigation panel. These summaries can be downloaded as either PDF or an editable Word Document.

  3. The views of the patient’s Follow-Up Guidelines are accessible via the left-hand navigation.

  4. The patient’s Survivor Account may be created or managed by clicking on either the ‘Survivor Account’ on the care summary’s navigation panel or the button on the top right of the page.

  5. A list of all the changes made to the patient record is now a part of the patient’s Care Summary record. This may be accessed by clicking on the ‘Revision History’ entry in the left navigation.

  6. You may toggle the Comprehensive and Abbreviated views of the patient's Care Summary using the button at the bottom of the left navigation. The Abbreviated view only displays information required for guidelines generation.

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