Managing Patients

Managing Patients


Patient Listing

To begin managing patients you will first need to log in, for help see the Site Login & Navigation tutorial.

The patient listing page displays all of the patient records entered in your clinic and provides filters and displays options for finding and viewing them. Filters will help you locate and display patients from your clinic. You may use these controls to quickly find a record by either name or MRN, or, after clicking the “Show Advanced Filters” button, you may use additional controls to identify patients. In the “Columns” section below, you may control which data are shown in the patient listing.


Depending on your clinic’s configuration, the list of patients may initially be hidden to preserve privacy. To show the patient records at your clinic, click on the “Show Records” button near the top left of the screen.

Adding A New Patient

Adding new patients can be simply done by adding the new patient’s basic demographics.

  1. Click on either of the “Add Patient” buttons to be taken to the “New Patient Demographic Information” page

Click the “Save” button to save the information to be directed to the newly created patient record.

Fields with an asterisk are required.

Summary of Cancer Treatment Page

After submitting the new patient’s demographic information, you will be directed to the newly created patient record. On this page, you may review and update all of the information for this patient.


Primary Diagnosis

The first piece of information you will need to add to a patient’s record is the primary diagnosis.

  1. Click the “Add Primary Diagnosis” button


After completing the form, you may click “Save” to return to the patient's management page or “Save and Add Another” to add another treatment plan of the same type.  Clicking “Back” will return you to the patient's management page without saving the data you have entered.

A primary diagnosis must be added to see a full list of additional sections on the patient's navigation bar.

Updating A Patient Record

Patient Management Page

Once a primary diagnosis has been added to the patient record, you will see additional sections on the patient navigation bar. This navigation will allow you to quickly access the patient record and generated guidelines displays. You will now also be able to add treatment history and additional treatment plans for relapses and SMNs.

Additional Treatment Plans

The PFC is configured to support additional treatment plans that help keep a structured up-to-date record for complex patients who’ve had extensive treatment. Should the patient record contain a relapse or second malignant neoplasm in addition to the primary diagnosis:

  1. Click on the “Add” button of the appropriate section

After completing the form, you may click “Save” to return to the patient's management page or “Save and Add Another” to add another treatment plan of the same type.  Clicking “Back” will return you to the patient's management page without saving the data you have entered.

Adding Treatment History

Patient treatment history may be added to the record, including “Chemotherapy”, Surgery”, “Radiation”, “Hematopoietic Cell Transplant”, or “Other Therapeutic Modality” sections. If the patient record contains additional treatment plans (relapses or SMNs), you must select which treatment plan this treatment corresponds to. The ability to add these provides users the option of creating a more complete record of the patient’s history and directly helps the algorithm that generates follow-up guidelines. To add patient treatment history:

  1. Click on the  “Add” button on the right side of the section you wish to enter

  2. Select the correct treatment plan and the treatment corresponds to


Click “Save” to return to the patient's management page or “Save and Add Another” to add another treatment record of the same type. Clicking “Back” will return you to the patient's management page without saving the data you have entered.

Additional Patient Information

The final sections of the patient record, including “Treatment Center”, “Protocol”, “Complications/Late Effects”, “Adverse Drug Reaction”, and “Abstract Preparation” provide an opportunity to add additional information to the patient record that will not affect the guidelines generated for the patient but may be helpful for clinicians or patients reviewing the patient record.

  1. Click on the “Add” button to add additional information record

  2. Click on “Abstract Prepared By” or “Preparation Date” to edit the “Abstract Preparation” section which records when and by whom the record was abstracted by.

After completing the form, you may click “Save” to return to the patient's management page or “Save and Add Another” to add another treatment record of the same type. Clicking “Back” will return you to the patient's management page without saving the data you have entered.

 Viewing, Printing, and Exporting Patient Records

Viewing and Exporting Treatment Summaries

In addition to the patient management page, the “Cumulative Summary” and “Abbreviated Summary” pages provide clean views of the patient’s record. The “Cumulative Summary” view contains all information entered in this patient’s record, while the “Abbreviated Summary” page lists only the core information collected in the “Abbreviated” versions of the input forms.

These views may be printed or exported in PDF format. Additionally, the “Cumulative Summary” may be exported in Microsoft Word format.

Patient Record Revision & Access History

To view the various views of the history of clinician access to a patient record or to review changes made to the record:

  1. Click the “Review History” item in the left navigation while viewing a patient record for a list that includes edits made to the patient record.

You will be directed to the page where revisions to the record are logged. You may click on “Include View-Only Entries” to show a record that includes timestamps of when the patient record was accessed.

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